
Tousled: disordered or disheveled 

Many of life's days feel very much disordered or disheveled. And sometimes as humans we get all riled up about how everything is just not working out. But I could say that we get riled up because it isn't working out the way we want it to. And when you make things about yourself, that's when God steps in and shakes everything around. 
But guess what?! It's okay 
Life isn't all about good selfies and having it all together lol. Life gets messy and a bit dirty but that's where all the magic happens. Lately I've been feeling tousled and I could testify that it hasn't been easy. But here's my secret, 1 Peter 5:7 tells me "cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." And the main word here is, ALL. A 3 letter word that carries so much weight. We all say that we give God all of our worries but do we really? Why do you first run to people to complain about all of your problems, I thought you gave it to God?
Don't get me wrong, everyone has done this. But it's time to wholeheartedly give it ALL to God. And when that is done, all the mess and commotion won't be perceived as our downfall but as God's work in our life. 
Jesus spoke to his disciples in John 16:33 saying, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." He was making it known to them that they will have troubles but He was also confirming the victory in their hearts. Take ALL your tousled situations to the cross and leave it there. TRUST GOD.         
John 16:20 "Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. 

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